Once upon a time, in an enchanted land, there lived a princess.
The princess lived a comfortable life. The king and queen of her land
found it easier to give the princess what she wanted than to deal
with her nagging requests. The princess spent most of her time and
talent lying around and being served. She expected people to
meet her needs, pay her bills and tidy up her messes. She didn't
even take time to say a mere, "thank you" to her staff.
The princess, however, always wanted more . There was one
particular thing she wanted and she couldn't wait until the day
came that she would meet her prince! She dreamed of how he would sweep her off
her feet and into his arms
and they would dance the rest of their life away together.
Oh, to dance the rest of our life with our prince.
Some of us have found our earthly prince. The
one that we pledged our love to in front of family and friends.
Some of us our still searching for our prince, the one which we
will "dance through life" together.
If I knocked on your door, sent you a text message or email...
what would your answer be to this question?
"Which princess are you?"
Would you be Sleeping Beauty?
Sound asleep not even realizing your prince is drawing near?
Would you be Cinderella?
Having waited for this moment to be with your prince, but allowed someone else's rules to cause you to run and leave your prince at midnight?
Would you be Snow White?
Busy tidying up the house, hiding from someone/something rather than confronting it?
Would you be Aerial?
Willing to give up all that you knew to be with your prince? Leaving behind family and loved ones?
Girlfriend, what type of princess are you? Because there is coming a day when Jesus is going to come back for his bride! "Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done." (Revelation 22:12) When Jesus, the groom, comes for you and for me, how will we look? Will we be like a bride on her wedding day, clean, crisp white dress, no wrinkles, freshly pressed, hair done, make up applied, veil neatly in place? Or will we be like the princess at the beginning of this blog, sucking life out of those that give and never giving in return?
We take great measures in this lifetime for a special day to be ready to walk down the aisle. I tell you this, there will be no greater day then the day my Heavenly Father sends his son, Jesus Christ for this bride! It is my heart's desire that when he finds me, I am not a Martha too busy to sit at his feet in my lifetime leading up to our reunion or that I would have allowed fears to keep me back from accomplishing what I needed to prepare myself for his arrival. (Rev 19:7, 21:2)
There is coming a time when a "Once upon a time" story, a fairytale that has replayed in our minds over and over becomes an eternal reality. We will meet our Prince of Ages and he will take our hand and we will dance the rest of time in His presence. Isn't that really what its all about? Preparing ourselves for the day he comes, so that he finds us ready!
"So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." Matthew 24:44
Maybe you are married right now on this Earth and have already planned that special marriage day? Maybe you are still a young lady waiting for the day to come when you are married on this Earth? No matter where you are, married or not, let me say this, there is a greater wedding about to take place that you need to keep your pretty blue, green, or brown eyes focused on... and that day is what the angel spoke in Revelation 19:9, "Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!" Everyday when you wake up say, "I am a bride. I must ready myself for my Prince's arrival."
"Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy. Behold, I am coming soon!" - Jesus , Revelation 22:11-12
It is my hope and desire that first everyone who visits this page will be encouraged and feel the presence of Jesus... if you are searching for something to fill holes in your broken heart, glue for your shattered dreams, a reason to wake up tomorrow - may the words that my fingers type help you to find that answer in one name, the name above all names, Jesus. Come along for a journey with me and let's just see where the cloud by day and fire by night lead us... won't you join me?
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." ~Erma Bombeck
My Life Chorus.....
"Blessed is she who has believed what the Lord has said to her WILL BE accomplished!" Luke 1:45
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