Girls, do you like things that sparkle?
Come on, glitter, glitz, sequins, rhinestone - DIAMONDS?
Just like many of us girly girls love to wear something that has a shimmer,
hey, I even have cream that has a shimmer in it to make my legs glow (thank you, Avon.),
did you know that you are called to twinkle?
Philippians 2:14-16 says, "Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing."
I recently watched a DVD that talked about the stars....
Stars aren't just some little dot in the sky and we show them to our kids and say
"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are?"
Stars are intense and BIG!
Stars from down here seem little and pretty, dainty in the sky - they are even
awe striking on a clear summer night looking at the vast darkness full of shimmering
But there are some key things to note about stars!
One would be they are huge! The sun is not the BIGGEST star in the universe.
There are many other stars (thanks to HUBBLE telescope) we can now see.
Second, stars were BREATHED into existence by our God. (Psalm 33:6)
Wow - that is like even hard to wrap our mind around. How big is our God?
But what is interesting is just that we are called to SHINE LIKE STARS!
You know what I take from that....
When darkness is around and there seems no hope, that the love of Christ who lives in me,
should shimmer, sparkle, twinkle and impact people... the darkness should fall into the background and the beauty of Jesus should stand out... and people should stand in awe of who I am in HIM or who He is in me! (whichever way you wanna put it) They should see my God is an awesome God. My twinkles should reflect his love, his grace!
Philippians says to do everything (clean the toilet, trim the hedges, wash those dishes, etc) without complaining so that you are BLAMELESS and PURE! Reflecting his TRUE LOVE...
Wow, girls!
You can sparkle and twinkle just because he is in you, not only because of the glittered purse, shoes, clothes or accessories that you have in your wardrobe (although add them to your already glowing twinkle from Jesus and you will be sparkling all over)!
Study his word, seek him with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding.... in all ways acknowledge him and sparkle, sparkle, sparkle!
This is great for me today. Thanks, Michelle. My morning did not go as planned...sometimes the clouds hide our sparkly shine! But it doesn't take the sparkle away...