
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." ~Erma Bombeck

My Life Chorus.....

"Blessed is she who has believed what the Lord has said to her WILL BE accomplished!" Luke 1:45

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Operation Christmas Clean Up

all of our hands holding
the most precious gift this Christmas
Deck the halls with boughs of holly,
Tis' the season to be jolly,

Oh, but Christmas Eve came.
Christmas Day arrived.
And then its the next morning - and all the hustle and bustle
all the baking, all the preparations that went into making it the "perfect"
Christmas is over - in less than a 24-36 hour period.

I usually leave my Christmas tree up until New Years Day then take down all the decorations that afternoon and evening.  Sadly, packing them away until next year, when all the tubs come back up and the inside of the house
starts twinkling with white lights, the house smelling like Christmas cookies, and carols all day long.  Its the time of year I love!  However, this year, I woke up the next day and thought, its time to clean up, get organize and get moving!  My husband was quite surprise as the roles are usually reversed.. he is ready to pack up and move on and I just want to sit and bask in the last moments of the season.  Not this year.  Something really hit me.  Matter of fact it was words that my husband spoke in his last Sunday's message (Dec.26th/ Click here to listen) He said, "For a Christian, Christmas isn't just a day, Christmas is an experience."  Those words tossed to and fro in my mind and jolted in my mouth as I chewed them before swallowing and allowed them to sink into my belly and nestle there.  Christmas isn't just a season, either, I thought.  While the decorations come down and get tucked into the basement for storage, Christmas goes on day in and day out.  See that precious baby came in a time of silence... there had not been a message heard from God in 400 years (the time between the old and new testament), but one night, one appointed night, a virgin woman gave birth to a baby, and the baby's cry broke the silence.  There wasn't a parade announcing this birth, there wasn't a banner blinking and tickets being sold, but nonetheless, God doing things in HIS WAY, not ours, sent a baby to be born - to be raised and then crucified- because he LOVED us.  Selah.

See, the season of Christmas reigns in our hearts, resides in our soul.  He is with us always, never leaving or forsaking.. he gave the ultimate gift, His life. So, while the houses lose their seasonal decorations, while we pack stuff away and put our houses back in order, may the spirit of Christmas continue to be in our hearts and  be on our lips so that we can give the gift that keeps on giving... Jesus.  He is the perfect gift to re-gift.

I am actually considering leaving my manager scene up all year as a reminder, that Jesus isn't a birthday to celebrate once a year at Christmas, but something that we can celebrate daily.  I want to engrave in my heart and mind, my children's hearts and minds that his birth broke the silence, his birth was the beginning of the ultimate love letter that signed off on the cross.  May the manger scene remind us he is the reason for all seasons... may God's gift to us always be in the forefront of our minds and the gift in our hearts that we continue to share.

Monday, December 20, 2010

New Year's Resolution

As the new year approaches, many will begin to make resolutions, a list of things that they want to change.
Maybe its weight loss, maybe it is to quit smoking, to get out of debt....
Whatever it is, just remember that it takes time, perseverance, and commitment.
It reminds me of a time when.....

I was standing in the kitchen, I was preparing my ingredients to cook dinner.  Often times, while I am doing house chores (being a Martha),
I will incorporate prayer (being a Mary).  This particular day, my heart was heavy -
And for no particular reason.  I just felt like something in me was stirring and
it I didn't feel like it was for pleasure?  

I began to pray like this, "Lord whatever it is, let it be so.  I know that I stand on your
word, that you mean all things for good (Gen 50:20)even when I can't see it.  You are the one who foresaw
my birth and who knows my death, you are the one who has directed my steps (Psalm 119:133Proverbs 16:9), my thoughts aren't yours (Isaiah 55:8) and more times than not,  I can't wrap my mind around your thoughts and ways.  But I trust you..." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

And as I began to chop my onion, tears streamed.
Tears from just chopping an onion
but also tears from within my heart.

See I am like an onion and so are you.
We are pulled out of our old life (before Christ), and planted into a new life (with Christ.)
And things in my former life, didn't always smell pretty, look pretty or taste good!
As I am planted in my new life, and new nutrients are being poured into my new life (the Word, the Holy Spirit, the grace and mercies of God, etc.)  I begin to see that layers of me, need to be changed,
roots from my past life (hurts, rejections, abandonment, lies, anger, etc) need to be peeled away, bad parts cut out and thrown in the garbage, while the good parts of the onion (me) are kept and prepared, made ready, to be sauteed into a delicious, tasteful, appealing person.  

This can't all be done in one process.
See, God is good and if he revealed to me how awful I was, well
I, personally, would become discouraged.  Since he knows me, since he knitted me together
in the womb of my mother (Psalm 139:13), he knows the number of hairs on my head (Luke 12:7), he also knows what I can handle.  He knows the amount to reveal to me at one time and says, "Now, child, let's work on this."

As I walk this Christian walk, I am always learning.  I am always seeing. I am always striving.
No, not until Heaven will I be made perfect in his sight and sin there will no more be.
But until then, I am taking one layer at a time, and allowing my God to help me
discard the bad, save the good and become a person to his pleasing.

Will you do the same?  It's a powerful thing to do, but I challenge you sister to sister (or sister to brother) ask Him, Lord, show me an area that I need to work on, maybe its my spending habits, maybe its my temper or patience, or lack of kindness or selfishness, you name it!  And say Lord as you sift me, as you peel a layer, I know its going to hurt, that tears will be shed, that heartache can happen, but in the end, you intend all things for good, to prosper me, not harm me, to give me a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).  I trust in you.  Send those around me who will uphold me, encourage me, spur me on, pray for me and love me -- let thy will be done, in the mighty, magnificent name of Jesus, so I can become the child you intended for me to be.  Amen.

Oh, the process isn't always joyful, but the end result after time, work, perseverance is always pleasurable.
Work through it, stay the course, and see the progress will be more apPEALing than before the PEELing... ;)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What Gift Will You Bring?

"On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh."  Matthew 2:11

Oh, Christmas time!
We shop and shop and shop some more!
We wrap, we stress and finance galore!

This first Christmas the shepherd came to the manager and brought themselves,
an act of worship.  The first time that Christ is worshiped by the wise man, the magi, they brought him treasures, gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.  No one had to ask them to bring it, no one set up a list of rules that said you can only see the child if you bring treasures... nope, none of that happened, rather, from in the depths of their hearts they felt drawn to bring a willing sacrifice - to lather the Messiah with gifts.  

Gifts of significance at that... gold which represented his kingship, frankincense which foretells of his priesthood, and myrrh which signifies his death.

As I read this story year after year, and retell it to my small children, I can't help but to be marveled in the details of it this year.... I have thought day in and day out... as I come to Christmas this year, what gift shall I give my King?  What will I bring to him.... 
As I meditate and pray over this during the last seven days leading up to Christmas, I wonder, if there is anyone else out there like me.... who would love to give a gift to Jesus this year on Christmas morning.  

Have you been holding something back? Have you withheld part of your heart, your time, your treasure, your fruit of the spirit, etc? May the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob allow the Holy Spirit to visit you and speak to you, so that this Christmas you can lay a gift at the manager.

May the little drummer boy in this video speak to your heart!  God bless you friends.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Star that Leads

There once was a star, that shone so bright
It caught the attention of some wise men one night
They said, "this is it, this is the one"
Then they gathered their belongings, a new journey begun...

Oh that star, how precious it is,
Yet, so many times, we blow it adrift
In our busy lives, time we don't take
Busy, busy, busy, no moment we make.

What is a star?
Something that twinkles.
Something that shines.
Something that gives off radiant light?

Why it says in the Psalm that it was breathed by God - Psalm 33:6
In the beginning, my God created this twinkling gift. - Genesis 1:1

The star led the wise men to a place where they found
a toddler walking, building, and talking
There they lavished this prince of ages
with gifts that would be used in the coming life stages

But what does the star do for me and for you?
Why the Bible being tried and true
Says a light I should shine, because Jesus lives in you
A light, a light, that should shine so bright
Not kept bottled up, but on a stand in everyone's sight  - (Matthew 5:14-16)

See just as the Star of Bethlehem did lead
The wise men to the Messiah that day
We are the stars that twinkle on Earth  - (Philippians 2:15)
And lead others to their second birth.

So as you go about your days
Keep the grumbling, complaining at bay
And look to the East in your daily walk
and let the love of Jesus shine from your talk. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

May this day and every day, you look for the chance
to be Jesus's loving feet and hands.
Just as once you were led to the cross
by someone who let Jesus's love and light shine from their heart. (Matthew 22:36-40)

Dear friends,

As the Christmas season is approaching, as fast and furious as it does, take time to remember the stars in your life.  The someone who took the time to share the love of Christ Jesus with you.  Maybe it was people all along the way, but whomever it was, it led you to him one day.  And just as a "star" led you, today you too can lead others!  In our walk, our talk, our actions, or time, in giving, and being the servant we are called to be... we can share the light that shines so bright from within our heart to someone who is lost, dark, cold and depressed simply by meeting a need, sharing a word of encouragement, inviting them to church or hey, picking them up and taking them, inviting someone who has no one to celebrate Christmas to your home to enjoy a time of fellowship... whatever it is, where it may be, be his light, shine ever so bright!  Twinkle, twinkle, my dear friends... Jesus's love never ends.  It is always there, never disappears!

So this Christmas season, remember the stars that were in your life, and be the star in someone elses life! And may your Christmas be the merriest and brightest ever!

Much love and many blessings to my sparkling friends.
I love each and everyone of you and pray that this Christmas is different then any other you have experienced! 

In His Amazing Name,

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Run Through the Washer

As I sat in Sunday morning service, I couldn't help but begin to look at the 
miserable person I am... meaning, the person who is inadequate, the person
who has so many inner flaws, the person who feels she can't live up to
anything God would ask her to do.... and then, I was interrupted in thought
and taken immediately (in my thoughts) to an all too familiar place in my home...

I began to see myself putting clothes in the washer, thinking this is a never ending
job (come on ladies, like the clothes needing clean never stop!)  As I put each piece
in, I checked for stains, some had them, some did not.  I checked the pockets 
for unwanted tissues and toys joining the soiled clothes.  When it was sorted and 
the washer was full, I added something... blue liquid, known as detergent.
And, then I understood.

My thoughts were stained, I need to wash them.
I needed the blue liquid, but not laundry detergent, instead I needed to pick
up the Word of God, and cleanse them with truth.  
"You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

I began to weep.
I felt like it was a David moment in my life... a psalm pouring from my mind and heart through my lips.
Lord, WASH me of these ideas that don't align with your word.
Lord, CLEANSE me for I cannot do it on my own. 
Lord, whatever needs BLOTTED OUT... let it be so!

And then, I cried, " Create in me a pure heart, O God,  and renew a steadfast spirit within me" Psalm 51:10.

I began to confess my fears, my doubts, my feeling of inadequacy...
and one by one they went into the washing machine and I poured the detergent in
and left the service clean.

Maybe your heart isn't facing doubts, maybe its not even fears, but in all of our laundry baskets we have soiled clothes... some not stained, some stained or sour smelling... for some of us it is unconfessed sin and as a result we feel far from God,  somewhere under the dirty basket of clothes our joy of salvation has been misplaced,  our inner song has disappeared, the praise from our lips has silenced. ... as you do your physical laundry this week (Sheets, kids clothes, your clothes, etc).... may you have a God experience.  May it be a time to release, confess, and talk with your Abba Father.  Girlfriend, empty your laundry basket and let him wash you with his love and his peace.  Much love and blessings to each of you.  I am praying for you.

I would love to hear about your "Laundry Experience" email me your testimony at michelle@shestepsministry.com