by Michelle E. Georgiana
My husband and I recently purchased new phones as our contracts were renewed and our last phones were truly at the end of their life span. As soon as we came home from the store, we spent countless time trying to figure out how to "use" the phone. What are applications that we want, didn't want, how to install, how to uninstall, etc. Honestly, it has been quite an adventure learning how to use the phone. Even a few weeks have past and I realize that I can't even use my phone to its FULL POTENTIAL USE, because I don't even really know what that is! I know that this phone is capable of doing MORE than I can even imagine, but I am momentarily satisfied with the limited use I can do with it.
As I was looking at my phone and thinking about the last few weeks of learning, adjusting, and discovering the capabilities of this phone, I realized that can be what our Christian life is like. When we first entered into a relationship with Jesus, we began to learn new ways of thinking and acting. We tapped into the beginnings of a new life and a transformed understanding of living a life for Jesus. Even as time passed, we would bump into a new teaching or meet a new Christian who's model showed us a new "application" for our life. It was in that moment that we realized that we could do more than we had previously thought. We were content with what we had already gained, but now saw a new way, whether being an improvement of an old way or something new; we could now utilize this in our everyday life.
We have to keep in the forefront of our minds, that we were made for more than just existing. We were created for more than just figuring out the basics. We are bundles of FULL POTENTIAL. If we all could grasp the reality that our potential is greater than we ever thought possible for ourselves and we began to act on that realization by seeking the Lord, seeking his Word, seeking His ways, seeking truths, crucifying the flesh, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide, taking dormant talents and awakening them from hibernation.... replacing doubt with belief - can you imagine the fireworks that would rock our world? God's people, created in his image, to max out their potential levels would be explosive.
We are our own worst enemy - mentally. We come to conclusions that we aren't capable, because of our lack of education or socio-economic status, etc. We limit ourselves because we think no one else would care what we have to say or others may deem that idea as not relevant. We allow fear of failure to keep us from moving forward, when the truth is this ---- all your failures lead to your success. Failure has become this idea that if my plan fails, I am a failure. That is a twisted truth! The plan may fail, but that isn't a reflection of who we, my friend, it means that plan didn't work that particular time. It needs refined, rethought and then tried again. That is where full potential, success looms, in the midst of our failures when we buckle up and say I am going to figure this thing (aka: phone) out and realize all that it can do and work to meet it!
We are all phones - in a sense. We all have potential that soars beyond what we have ever thought capable of ourself. We need to start accessing applications in our heart and mind so that we can become a firework, one that isn't just meeting basic use, but full potential. Remember, we were created in the image of God. Do we think him limitless, lacking and not capable of more than we ever imagined? I don't think so.
Do you remember Thomas Edison? The inventor of the light bulb. Listen to this:
As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."
Let's take this mindset that Edison had... it wasn't 1000 failures, rather 1,000 steps. Aren't you glad that he did? Your potential is just as great - all you have to do is try, and try again. "Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall."~ Confucius
Remember, God made you. He knows you inside and out and the number of hairs located on her highlighted head. (Luke 12:7) He knows all that you are capable of doing. Commit your ways to him and your plans will succeed. (Proverbs 16:3) He will guide and lead you. Let him have all your ideas and the brainstorms that went into them, then let him give you His ideas so that his purpose may prevail. (Proverbs 19:21) Then take action, be active and seek his word, seek Him so that you aren't just in basic function mode, but are in your full potential zone!
It is my hope and desire that first everyone who visits this page will be encouraged and feel the presence of Jesus... if you are searching for something to fill holes in your broken heart, glue for your shattered dreams, a reason to wake up tomorrow - may the words that my fingers type help you to find that answer in one name, the name above all names, Jesus. Come along for a journey with me and let's just see where the cloud by day and fire by night lead us... won't you join me?
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." ~Erma Bombeck
My Life Chorus.....
"Blessed is she who has believed what the Lord has said to her WILL BE accomplished!" Luke 1:45
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
by Michelle E. Georgiana
Water is significant in our lives. In the first fifteen minutes that you wake up, I am sure you are remotely unaware at how many times you used water. To name a few just to get the gist, when you use the toilet, brush your teeth, make your coffee or tea, wash your dishes, etc. The number of times that we use water is amazing. Water is a vital part of our life - not just to function but to thrive. Jesus even said, "I am the living water, drink this water and you will thirst no more." Water that quenches our thirst not leaving us longing for another drink. Now that is some water!
David refers to water in Psalm 69. However, when he is speaking of water, it is out of distress not for life sustenance! He cries out in Psalm 69:1-2, "Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in the mirey depths where there is no foothoold. I have come into the deep waters the floods engulf me." Can you hear David's distress as he calls out for help? David is drowning. This isn't a literal drowing in the sense of he is shipwrecked in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and is treading water. No, this is I am drowinig with my life circumstances, with the troubles mounting in my life. He says its up to my neck which leads me to believe he is starting to panic because if it rises much more he will be underwater!
Have you ever been in a moment where you felt as though you were drowning? That all was against you and no matter how hard you paddled, no matter how many strides you took, the water line never seemed to recede, but only to grow or stay at the same current level - at your neck? Boy, I have been there and have thought this is going to do me in. I don't know if I will survive this situation. The circumstances or even the people who rise up against may take my last breath from me - I am up to my neck and my last breath is drawing near. But here's what happens - David cries out to the one and only who can reach down and save him. He cries out to God and says, "Save me!" David realized he couldn't help himself, that as his body grew tired and and mind weak that there was still one hope that was ever present and it was his Lord. At any moment God would put his feet on solid ground and deliver him. David speaks in Psalm 69:17, "Do not hide your face from your servant, answer me quickly, for I am in trouble."
When you are in distress, take heed to the words of David, even when drowning he praised God saying, "My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you - I, whom you have redeemed. My tongue will tell of your righteous acts all day long, for those who wanted to harm me have been put to shame and confusion." Psalm 71:23-24
Friend, no matter if your up to your waist, your chest or your neck in water, God is able to redeem. Sometimes its a matter of our hearts confession, sometimes its a matter of our waiting on him, sometimes its to see where we put our hope - but always remember he is faithful and just. Righteousness will prevail - whether on Earth or in Heaven. Remember that as you drink your water today, that Jesus is the living water and with him you will thirst no more! Just as water can consume life through drownings, the Living Water can restore and satisfy life. Put your trust in God, your fortress and refuge in times of trouble.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours!
Almost ten years ago, I had the most delightful, honorable, enjoyable, once in a lifetime opportunity to walk down an aisle as a bride. Arm in arm with my father as we marched down the white runner in anxious anticipation to be joined hand and hand with my soon to be husband and partner in life. That day will forever be written in my heart and mind - when glancing through pictures and watching the video of the wedding, I can still remember the excitement, the happiness and love. Out of everyone in the whole wide word - he chose me! I am not sure there is any other feeling for a gal to feel more special than when a beau says, "of all the others that could be mine, I choose you." It has to be one of the most heart warming, stomach tingling, body melting experiences! Why there are so many others, and I am so flawed, but yet he pointed and he chose me! That my friends, makes you feel like one special person!
After the wedding, the pastor signed the marriage license making this official. We each had rings on our fingers as a symbol of our covenant that we made with each other before God and man. We were "Signed, Sealed and Delivered" to one another! Ten years, 3 children, 1 teenager, 2 dogs, 2 fish later - we are still 100% committed to one another!
While thinking about Valentine's Day and the idea of love - it struck me that Larry (my husband) isn't the only one who pointed and said, "I choose you!" As a matter of fact, whether you are married or single, there is someone who said, "I choose you!" This man loved you so much that his experience on Earth while at times was applauded, truly became one of the most horrific experiences that any man could experience.
God says, "I choose you. I love you so much that I sent my son to walk the Earth, to teach and share divine truths, only to be crucified, to die, to rise again and ascend into heaven. Why, you ask? Because I choose you! I want to be married to you. I want to be with you through every part of your life, both good and bad. To lift you up when you are down, to guide your path, to lead your heart. I want to be the one who hands you answers and delivers you from grief! I want to run in the sunshine with you while all is well and hold you when you hurt. I choose you. Will you choose me?"
Just as I signed a marriage license to my husband here on this Earth. There came a day when I signed in my heart a covenant with the One and Only. I recognized what Jesus did for my life and I accepted his proposal to marry him. I was "Signed, Sealed and Delivered" to the one who laid down his life for me and told me he would be my Living Water, that I would never go thirsty, that he would always have my best interest at heart. I am not alone. You are not alone. Jesus says, "You are my bride. I love you. I choose you. There is no one like you." Jesus isn't just asking, "Be my Valentine. Jesus is asking, won't you marry me? No more dating, rather a full 100% commitment from you that in all areas of your life."
If you have never walked down the aisle and met your Lord and Savior, I would welcome the opportunity for you to do that today! It's not hard, its not complicated. It is a heart transformation -simply saying, "Dear sweet Jesus, today is the day that I say, Yes, to your proposal. Today I say that I choose you, the one who came to this Earth and died for my sins! I recognize that it is what you did on the cross that was the ultimate sacrifice to declare your love for me. I realize that as I have lived, I have sinned and that there is no other name that can wash them clean, but you. Lord, create a clean heart in me and renew a right spirit within me so that I can be the bride prepared and ready for your return. Jesus, today I sign the line that says, our dating is over and I pledge my love to you in marriage, committed, dedicated and relying on you to lead and guide me all the days of my life. Thank you Lord for the most precious gift that anyone could give, yourself. Amen."
If you have recommitted yourself to Jesus or accepted him for the first time, would you send me a note telling me so I can pray for you! Email
After the wedding, the pastor signed the marriage license making this official. We each had rings on our fingers as a symbol of our covenant that we made with each other before God and man. We were "Signed, Sealed and Delivered" to one another! Ten years, 3 children, 1 teenager, 2 dogs, 2 fish later - we are still 100% committed to one another!
While thinking about Valentine's Day and the idea of love - it struck me that Larry (my husband) isn't the only one who pointed and said, "I choose you!" As a matter of fact, whether you are married or single, there is someone who said, "I choose you!" This man loved you so much that his experience on Earth while at times was applauded, truly became one of the most horrific experiences that any man could experience.
God says, "I choose you. I love you so much that I sent my son to walk the Earth, to teach and share divine truths, only to be crucified, to die, to rise again and ascend into heaven. Why, you ask? Because I choose you! I want to be married to you. I want to be with you through every part of your life, both good and bad. To lift you up when you are down, to guide your path, to lead your heart. I want to be the one who hands you answers and delivers you from grief! I want to run in the sunshine with you while all is well and hold you when you hurt. I choose you. Will you choose me?"
Just as I signed a marriage license to my husband here on this Earth. There came a day when I signed in my heart a covenant with the One and Only. I recognized what Jesus did for my life and I accepted his proposal to marry him. I was "Signed, Sealed and Delivered" to the one who laid down his life for me and told me he would be my Living Water, that I would never go thirsty, that he would always have my best interest at heart. I am not alone. You are not alone. Jesus says, "You are my bride. I love you. I choose you. There is no one like you." Jesus isn't just asking, "Be my Valentine. Jesus is asking, won't you marry me? No more dating, rather a full 100% commitment from you that in all areas of your life."
If you have never walked down the aisle and met your Lord and Savior, I would welcome the opportunity for you to do that today! It's not hard, its not complicated. It is a heart transformation -simply saying, "Dear sweet Jesus, today is the day that I say, Yes, to your proposal. Today I say that I choose you, the one who came to this Earth and died for my sins! I recognize that it is what you did on the cross that was the ultimate sacrifice to declare your love for me. I realize that as I have lived, I have sinned and that there is no other name that can wash them clean, but you. Lord, create a clean heart in me and renew a right spirit within me so that I can be the bride prepared and ready for your return. Jesus, today I sign the line that says, our dating is over and I pledge my love to you in marriage, committed, dedicated and relying on you to lead and guide me all the days of my life. Thank you Lord for the most precious gift that anyone could give, yourself. Amen."
If you have recommitted yourself to Jesus or accepted him for the first time, would you send me a note telling me so I can pray for you! Email
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
What's in Your Can?
Philippians 4:8 reads, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

The question of today is, "What's in your can?" and by can, I mean, your heart. Your heart is what I am going to relate to a garbage can... I know you are like how can something that sustains life and hold our emotions be like a garbage can - well it's like this: When you lift the lid of the garbage can and you throw stuff away, what are you putting in the can? Hopefully garbage. Things that are broken, old, mildew, ruined, spoiled, not pleasing or tasty. The "stuff" has lost its luster and "bling." When you open the garbage can again, the "yucky stuff" doesn't just magically get put back together and look spic spanking new again... rather, you probably after a few days would have a horrific odor of mixed old rotten food (hence why my garbage goes out daily). We can think of our heart like a garbage can in the sense of whatever you are placing in your heart, is what is going to come out of it when you open your heart.
If we listen to music that talks about having sex, then when emotions are rising and a girl and guy meet up, the heat rises and those lyrics are going through their mind and before she knows it, its playing out in her life. Or if you continue to say negative, nasty things about yourself in your mind, when someone compliments you - out pours those words of negativity. Let's even consider what we are watching... when you are watching sitcoms, videos and programs that are impure, vulgar from what is being done to what is being said, what you are seeing and hearing can become what you are thinking then saying.
I refer back to what the Bible says in Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
What is your moral absolute?
How do you decide it?
How do you measure it?
What's your objective standard to decide what is right and what is wrong?
Do you go by what you are told by other people, your environment, peers, television shows or do you go by what the unchangeable truth is that lies in the Bible? So often we can tell ourselves that what we are watching, saying or doing is okay and can twist the truth to fit how we feel. Our actions then become subjective to what we are feeling rather than reactive to what we know is truth. The one thing that we know - no matter what happens in every circumstance there is an answer that holds the truth and that my friend is in the Bible. God's way will never lead you astray, it won't corrupt your mind or shackle your feet. No, the devil , your enemy, who is roaming like a roaring lion searching for someone to devour has deceived people today (just like Eve way back in the book of Genesis) to think that what they watch and hear doesn't affect their life - but that my friend is a lie. It does! By not filling your life with things that are noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable or excellent , your choices will shackle your feet, hold you back, lead you astray where you may waiver on and off the path that God has laid out before you.
Press forward friends, persevere, work out daily your in your spiritual life to do what is right! Sometimes the hardest choice now makes the rest of your life easy, but the easy choices now can make your life so much more difficult. How do you want to go on? Remember, no matter where you are and what tight spot you are in, there is always a turn called an 180 degree, that you can make and start doing what His Word says is right! God is with you!
Remember: G.I.G.O (Garbage In, Garbage Out)
Feed your spirit man what is good, what is healthy, that which produces life!

The question of today is, "What's in your can?" and by can, I mean, your heart. Your heart is what I am going to relate to a garbage can... I know you are like how can something that sustains life and hold our emotions be like a garbage can - well it's like this: When you lift the lid of the garbage can and you throw stuff away, what are you putting in the can? Hopefully garbage. Things that are broken, old, mildew, ruined, spoiled, not pleasing or tasty. The "stuff" has lost its luster and "bling." When you open the garbage can again, the "yucky stuff" doesn't just magically get put back together and look spic spanking new again... rather, you probably after a few days would have a horrific odor of mixed old rotten food (hence why my garbage goes out daily). We can think of our heart like a garbage can in the sense of whatever you are placing in your heart, is what is going to come out of it when you open your heart.
If we listen to music that talks about having sex, then when emotions are rising and a girl and guy meet up, the heat rises and those lyrics are going through their mind and before she knows it, its playing out in her life. Or if you continue to say negative, nasty things about yourself in your mind, when someone compliments you - out pours those words of negativity. Let's even consider what we are watching... when you are watching sitcoms, videos and programs that are impure, vulgar from what is being done to what is being said, what you are seeing and hearing can become what you are thinking then saying.
I refer back to what the Bible says in Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
What is your moral absolute?
How do you decide it?
How do you measure it?
What's your objective standard to decide what is right and what is wrong?
Do you go by what you are told by other people, your environment, peers, television shows or do you go by what the unchangeable truth is that lies in the Bible? So often we can tell ourselves that what we are watching, saying or doing is okay and can twist the truth to fit how we feel. Our actions then become subjective to what we are feeling rather than reactive to what we know is truth. The one thing that we know - no matter what happens in every circumstance there is an answer that holds the truth and that my friend is in the Bible. God's way will never lead you astray, it won't corrupt your mind or shackle your feet. No, the devil , your enemy, who is roaming like a roaring lion searching for someone to devour has deceived people today (just like Eve way back in the book of Genesis) to think that what they watch and hear doesn't affect their life - but that my friend is a lie. It does! By not filling your life with things that are noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable or excellent , your choices will shackle your feet, hold you back, lead you astray where you may waiver on and off the path that God has laid out before you.
Press forward friends, persevere, work out daily your in your spiritual life to do what is right! Sometimes the hardest choice now makes the rest of your life easy, but the easy choices now can make your life so much more difficult. How do you want to go on? Remember, no matter where you are and what tight spot you are in, there is always a turn called an 180 degree, that you can make and start doing what His Word says is right! God is with you!
Remember: G.I.G.O (Garbage In, Garbage Out)
Feed your spirit man what is good, what is healthy, that which produces life!
All, we, like Sheep!
If the Lord is my shepherd, then shepherds lead, care, feed their sheep, I must be a sheep in the Lord's flock. Interesting that God chooses the words to be inked in the Bible as a Shepherd, being Him, and the flock, his children are represented as sheep! How much do you know about sheep? Be warned, you need an open heart and mind to understand what I am about to say!
Sheep are the dumbest animals on the Earth. Sheep will not drink out of water that is moving, they will sit next to the water and die of thirst, because of their fear of moving water. Thankfully, the Shepherd leads them to "still waters" (Psalm 23:2). Sheep will eat in the same pasture until the last grain of grass is eaten and then die of starvation. It would never have dawned to them to walk to new lands, new places to look for new grass. Thankfully, the Shepherd "makes me lie down in green pastures," (Psalm 23:2) A sheep may stray from the flock, and thankfully, because the Shepherd cares so much about each of his sheep, that he goes off and finds the stray sheep (Luke 15:3-7). Now, the Shepherd breaks the leg of the sheep and carries him back on his shoulders, to remind the sheep to not stray again.
Now, you are thinking - wow, I endure enough in life, but I have just been equated to a sheep! Take heed - the analogy is one simplest enough for us to grasp, "We the sheep, God's children, have wondered off the directed path and away from the flock and he comes after us, because he loves us and doesn't want to lose one. While we are with the flock, we sometimes don't know which way to go, so he leads us to paths of righteousness (Psalm 23:3) or makes us lie down and rest (Psalm 23:2). God, our Shepherd, has our best in mind. It is his desire to see us walk the path that he has laid out before us."
"He will die for lack of DISCIPLINE, led astray by his own great folly."
Proverbs 5:23
It is vital for this sheep and the sheep reading this that we are not led by how we feel, but by what he says! Sometimes that means disciplining ourselves so that we do not become tempted to be led astray by our own stupdity. Here's an example: God says, "Be a good steward of what I have given to you." Then we are in debt up to our eyeballs! Is that following his plan? No! However, instead of getting back on the path and working through it we find ourselves at the store charging something on the credit card. I know this one pinches - but at one point it was a flaw in my life! Thankfully, there is one trait that is great about sheep! Sheep have a great sense of HEARING! When, the Great Shepherd, began to speak to my heart and mind pointing out what I was doing that was leading me astray by my own stupidity, I was able to place DISCIPLINES in my life to keep me with the flock and the plan because I HEARD and I obeyed.
I pray that as you go through your life this week, that you will allow your best sense of hearing to be open and ready to receive what the Shepherd is saying! Stop and listen. Just sit in a quiet room with christian music playing, your Bible open or simply nothing - just you and God - just listen. He will be speaking - the question is are you listening?
God Bless!
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