It is my hope and desire that first everyone who visits this page will be encouraged and feel the presence of Jesus... if you are searching for something to fill holes in your broken heart, glue for your shattered dreams, a reason to wake up tomorrow - may the words that my fingers type help you to find that answer in one name, the name above all names, Jesus. Come along for a journey with me and let's just see where the cloud by day and fire by night lead us... won't you join me?
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." ~Erma Bombeck
My Life Chorus.....
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
That's My King! Do You Know Him?
Every day, we encounter different people, different scenarios, different circumstances, different - well, just different experiences. Usually when we head to school, or to work, to college, to the homestead (wherever) we have an expectation of what that "situation/experience" will be like?
Have you ever had an expectation not met?
The guy you were dating or maybe are married to, didn't do that big birthday surprise you had hoped for? Or maybe, the kids didn't have the house picked up when you got home from work? Or maybe the mother in law didn't offer to help clean up after the big Sunday meal? Or a book did not live up to the recommendation of a friend? There are many scenarios, but one thing consistent - what we thought was, wasn't. It leaves us feeling disappointed, sad and sometimes downright agitated with a side of grumpiness.
Been there, girlfriend, on multiple times in the thirty plus years I have lived.
But, here is something that I began to see, something that God started to show this brown eyed girl. Often times, the expectations that I had were expectations that had no chance of being filled. For example, if I watched a romance movie and saw this strapping man, sweep the girl that he loved off her feet by pouring out his love for her in words that would melt any womans heart, handing her a rose and saying let me whisk you away to a spot where we can relax and just enjoy us. Then after watching that movie (or shall I say, soap opera), expect my husband to possess those same qualities - chances are I will end up disappointed! The movie isn't a realistic expectation of the men walking this Earth (now there are an occasional few, but the reality is - no man can be the guy in the movie everyday). So, something God showed me was that I was putting expectations on people in my life that the reality was only GOD himself could fill in my life. Holes in my heart, voids in my life - things that I thought about and toiled over could never be calmed until I let JESUS come in and say, "Quiet, be still" (Mark 4:39) and the storms in life (inside of me, usually) just stop at his command.
So I challenge you, if you are struggling in areas of your life - my question is this....
what is your expectation of that person/ thing - and why do you have it?
Is it because it’s a realistic expectation (is it a characteristic possible of possessing, such as kindness or patience) or will you end with disappointment, because its really only a void in your life that Jesus himself can fill?
It is a challenge, but I guarantee if you are bold enough to ask, God will allow the Holy Spirit to show up in your life and point out how you are expecting someone to do something only God can do for you. He wants to fill any void or hole in your heart, he is already waiting with an outstretched arm (Psalm 136:12) - he is just waiting for you to grab hold.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Your First Cup of Coffee

Its when I walk with God, just like Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden.
Where's your heart? I pray it lays with the hot pot of coffee and the Word of God in the morning. May you be richly blessed in your day as you put God first.
Interestingly, in the New Testament it is said, in Luke 17:32, "Remember Lot's wife!"
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Where's My Easy Button?
- I Cor 13:7 says about love, "It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
- James 1:12, "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."
- James 5:11, "As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy."
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Woman, The Baby, The Dragon
3-4And then another Sign alongside the first: a huge and fiery Dragon! It had seven heads and ten horns, a crown on each of the seven heads. With one flick of its tail it knocked a third of the Stars from the sky and dumped them on earth. The Dragon crouched before the Woman in childbirth, poised to eat up the Child when it came.
While, this passage refers to Mary, her son, Jesus Christ, and the devil... I can't help but draw a parallel in my life and I am sure many other ladies reading this will find truth in their own personal life... (you may need an extra cup of coffee to get through the thoughts after reading this one) May the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob enlighten your understanding and stir the yearning in your womb to carry on until the return of Christ Jesus.
The parallel goes like this... (its not intended to distract or take away from the work that God does in this passage in relation to Mary and Jesus, but rather to help us take an insight into our personal life and draw applications.)
Once upon a time their was a woman who loved God with all her heart. She was God's chosen vessel (v1), hand picked before she was every born to carry a specific purpose. (1 Cor 3:5) His hand even knitted her together inside her mother's womb, carving her eye lids and forming her heart. (Psalm 139:13)
As the girl grew in physical form, she also matured spiritually, eating her solid foods so she could distinguish good from evil. (Hebrews 5:14). And then God, who has planted the purpose into her DNA from the time of conception, allowed her to feel the first flutters of the life (the plan, the purpose) she carried within her, for this specific time. She began to see that she was a light unto the world, (Matt 5:14) not because of who she was, but because of who HE was living in her.
The lady who sought God with her whole heart, (Psalm 119:58), remembered the conception of the purpose and plan. She fed daily, she sought her Father, and waited (Psalm 46:10).
The time came for the baby (the purpose) to be born. Much anguish surrounded the lady, she was overwhelmed by thoughts, emotions, uncertainty, yet, could not shake the reminder that God controls the doors (Rev. 4) it was her responsibility to walk through it. But the thoughts of birthing the baby and knowing that a huge and fiery dragon stood on the other side poised waiting to eat the baby (Rev 12:3-4) shook her.
Selah. (Pause and reflect)
Have you ever had a God given dream or knew your God given purpose, and you felt the flutters like that of a new mom feeling life growing in her womb, you sought God, searched his scriptures, called out to him in prayer and knew that this is why you were called for this time and this place? Yet, the time came to birth and you were so overwhelmed, oppressed that you didn't want to birth the baby because you didn't want its head bitten off once it took its first few breaths?
Here is the great news, girl!
The scripture goes on to say this in Rev 12,
5She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. 6The woman fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.
Rev 4:2 says after he walked through the door, "At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it."
This tells me something really exciting, that gets the caffeine in my body cranking, when I go through and birth the purpose, dream, plan, baby (whichever name you want to go with) - that at once God's Spirit guides, directs me and as in Rev 12:6 - the woman fled into the desert to the PLACE PREPARED for her BY GOD!....
Wow - when I am obedient to him and carry out fulfilling what he has planned, he has an army ready to fight off the dragon, he has a place prepared for me where he will care for me. That to me girls is exciting, and helps this chick say, I can walk through that door, I can fulfill this plan he has for me, I can do the task he has purposed for my life.
I need another cup of coffee so I can Selah. Won't you join me?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Why Me?
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.....
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all.?
We wait and listen for a response...
and I would LOVE to know how many of you everyday hear,
Why, (insert name) you are the fairest of them all!"
(insert giggles and chuckles here as well as memories of the childhood movie, "Snow White")
But, why is it that we don't hear that when we look in the mirror?
I know more times than I care to ADMIT,
I hear, "You are fat! or You look awful! "
You can feel in your blanks to that voice that isn't audible by
someone standing there, but the voice in your mind that
just points out all the FLAWS (too many freckles, wrong color eyes, too many wrinkles, crooked nose, small chest, etc).
The Bible clearly states in 2 Corinthians 10:5 that we are to take every thought CAPTIVE and OBEDIENT to the Christ. And those MIND thoughts aren't what the BIBLE says...
I am going to stretch as far and say that when we (and that includes this girlfriend) think/say things about ourselves that are negative that we are saying "GOD YOU MADE A MISTAKE!"
It seems to me that we forget other parts of the Bible where it says we are "fearfully and wonderfully" made; that we were knitted together in our mother's wombs; that God is perfect and the creator. It seems easy to know that, but harder to believe it. For whatever reason we exempt ourselves from these verses and see them as they only fit to the ones we view as “beautiful.”
So, why and where do these “negative” thoughts all derive from?
I believe there is a demonic attribute to many television shows, music and magazines that are exposed to us in the USA which causes us to think because we aren't shaped and formed a certain way that we aren't deemed beautiful! Girls, we need to have attitudes like some 3 year olds that I know... one being my dear daughter who puts on her favorite dance leotard and leg warmers, prances into the bedroom and looks at herself in the long mirror and says, "Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, I'm gorgeous!" or my precious cousin who scoots a chair over to the bathroom mirror and says proudly, "Wow, I look beautiful today!"
Do you know how to have that attitude? By taking every thought captive and realizing this truth…TRUE BEAUTY IS FOUND WITHIN ONES HEART…. The reality is, our measuring stick that we truly should be taking every thought captive with is the Word of God. That is where the reflection truly matters in what you see! The Bible is our MIRROR, the most accurate one. And sometimes, let’s be honest we don’t always see what we want, but here is the sweetest, juiciest part – God says, if you let me, I can shape you just how I intended you to be – I am the potter you are the clay…. Come follow me, bring your thoughts captive and let me show you the true beauty that is within you ----
Girls you are like beautiful daisies swaying in the wind on a beautiful sunny day with blue skies –(can’t you just feel the wind blowing through your hair as your eyes are closed and taking in the freshness of this scenery). Beloveds, it is just time to get up, and by pass the physical mirror and open up the Bible and see our reflection and HEAR the TRUTH.
Get your Bible girl, open it up and see the beauty that you TRULY are – I can promise this, you won’t find it on TV or in a magazine – but His word won’t fail you or let you down! Take your thoughts and attitudes captive and let your beauty shine!